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Long Flight Essentials

Long Flight Essentials

One of my absolute favorite things to do is travel and explore new places. To be honest though, I don’t love the process of getting there. I like flying (in a window seat) for a few hours, but after that I start to get restless from sitting in the same spot. Recently we moved to Korea and it was the longest flight I’ve had since I was a kid. I knew we had 3 flights (one being about 12 hours) and would get very little sleep so I tried to plan accordingly with two very organized carry-on’s. Below are some of the things that were necessary for our long flight.

-Noise Cancelling Headphones. Trust me, these are necessary on a long flight. We had babies screaming literally the entire flight, and our headphones luckily drowned most of it out.

-Jacket. Flights can get pretty cold, so it’s nice to bundle up a bit, especially if you’re trying to nap.

-Downloaded Playlists & Movies. I usually try to watch movies that the airline provides, but just in case something happens and you don’t have access to the in-flight entertainment you’re going to want a back up to make those 10+ hours pass quickly.

-Reading Materials. Same as above, it’s good to have different types of entertainment for a long flight. I find I usually enjoy reading in the beginning of the flight as I’m usually too tired by the end of the flight.

-Portable Charger. Make sure to bring a charging device so you can ensure your phone lasts through the flight and is ready to go for when you land.

-Basic Hygiene Items. Deodorant, toothbrush, face wipes, dry shampoo, etc. The last thing you want is to feel gross by time you land, so ensure you bring basic hygiene items to freshen up throughout your flight.

-Beauty Essentials. Chapstick, face masks, makeup, hair ties, hand lotion, etc. Airlines can be drying, so pre-covid it was smart to try a face mask to hydrate your skin and offer some self care. Even though that’s not possible now, I still bring my cosmetics to look presentable by time we land and bring hair ties in case my hair gets too greasy on the flight and needs to be slicked back into a bun.

-Compression Socks. These can help prevent blood clots on flights and also just keep your feet comfortable and cozy on a long flight.

-Neck Pillow & Eye Mask. Helpful if you’re trying to sleep on a flight so you don’t wake up with a crazy kink in your neck.

-Melatonin. I try to get myself closer to the sleep schedule while on the flight, so melatonin is helpful to get me to fall asleep if I’m naturally not tired yet.

-Healthy Snacks or Meals. For long flights, you’ll be provided 2-3 meals, however they aren’t the most filling and there aren’t a ton of options. I try to pack a good amount of healthy snacks so I’m not eating cookies the whole flight. Back when I did bodybuilding and had a strict diet I’d also pack my meals for the entire flight; the airlines were fine with it, I just needed to plan a little extra time for TSA to search my bag since it had icepacks.

-Reusable Water Bottle. Stay hydrated (and save money) by packing a large water bottle to fill up in the airport.

-Disinfectant Wipes & Hand Sanitizer. Even when covid isn’t around, people spread a lot of germs and aren’t always the most hygienic. So it’s a good idea to wipe down your seat area and use hand sanitizer.

-Medicine. I try to prepare for everything, because the last thing you want is to be ill on a flight packed with strangers. I bring stuff for upset stomach, headache, allergies, etc.

-Change of Clothes. Same as the hygiene items, you’ll feel better in a fresh pair of clothes after that many hours of travel. I wore nice clothes for the shorter portion of our travels (connecting flights) but then brought cozy clothes for the long flight.

-Extra Pens. If you’re flying internationally, you’ll need to fill out customs paperwork before landing. Instead of awkwardly trying to ask strangers to borrow a pen I make sure to have a few of my own.


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